Sweetie the Vampire |
Pretty Girl's First Time Eating Peanut Butter |
Three Kitties In A Box (Sweetie, Oreo and Tailess) |
Bubba and Pretty Girl |
Honey, Sweetheart and Tank |
Pumpkin |
Sugar |
Piglet and Ditch |
PeeWee and Bud On Dumb Bunny's Box |
Dumb Bunny and His Former Food Dish (He Kept Tossing It Around) |
Just a few pictures I've taken this month. We are very, very ready for spring. We had the windows open today and will reopen them tomorrow but then they will have to be closed with the heat on. We are going to get into the 70's only to fall to near freezing on Tuesday. Then warm way up again on Wednesday but have thunderstorms. Can't catch a break. I had planned on spending the day working in my yard but my friend Toni offered to pay for my help with her yard and shed cleaning so off I went. I was with her all day and didn't get home until after 7 PM. I go back over tomorrow to do my normal weekly cleaning. Between helping her today and the cleaning, that's an extra $40 I desperately need. It only takes me an hour or two to clean her place so I'll have most of the day to work in my yard. Naturally my next days off will have storms but that will be a good time to get caught up on reading and other house stuff. I will be so glad when I can open the windows and keep them open.
I'm thinking of getting another bunny - a female one - as a companion for Dumb Bunny. He's neutered so there won't be any babies but I think he'd be happier with a friend. I'm also still looking for banty hens - I'm not real picky about what kind of banties but right now I don't want a rooster. I also don't want young chicks because I don't have anywhere to keep them warm and safe. Plus I don't want 25 or so. I just want three. I have the coop but I didn't know it would be this hard to find the damn chickens.